Just saying i'm still alive. Also, my little brother (think fifth grade) is considering making a claymation this fall for his STLP course. Anyone interested in seeing the finished product as a flash? Neither do I. But I'm gonna post it anyway if it actually happens. Again, he's a fifth grader, so it's nothing special. Maybe just a crudely sculpted man waving. Maybe a bouncing ball. Maybe a steamroller. Maybe a crudely sculpted man on a steamroller bouncing on a dead body. WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! But don't expect much. I'd be surprised if it passes. Then again, claymation usually does pass. Anyway, tell me if you're interested in seeing it and maybe I'll submit it.
(lol car joke)
Fine, don't laugh at it.
Ok, so you see, a car has a transmission, which is how it switches gea-- just never mind.
Hahahaha xD loved the car joke :p
I lol'd!